Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Rise Of Deadpool

Although not much fanfare has been made about the subject, Deadpool has quickly become one of the rising stars of Marvel Comics. Deadpool (AKA Wade Wilson) has long been one of the icons that distinguishes the hardcore comic book reader from the casual fan. Fans have followed Deadpool's antics for nearly two decades and it seems that their devotion is finally paying off for a character that was stuck deep in the B-list, always threatening to float away to the dregs of forgotten C-List comedy acts like Ambush Bug and Slapstick.

Today, Deadpool has two monthly titles, a mini-series, has been hailed as one of the saving graces of the otherwise disappointing X-Men Origins film, and has his own major motion picture in the works. The real proof of the Merc With a Mouth's new A-List status, however, is in the number of monthly guest appearances Wade Wilson has earned himself over the past few months. Deadpool has been a headlining guest star in Thunderbolts, Ms. Marvel, X-Force, Cable, and Hulk. Just like Spiderman, Deadpool has become a name that can get people to pick up a title.

Much of the appeal of Deadpool has been his comedic presence. Although he started as a pouch-laden Rob Liefield creation, Deadpool evolved into a meta-commentary on the comic book industry as his inner monologue often poked fun at the comic book foibles the sometimes-hero found himself involved with. Readers have grown accustomed to a Deadpool who focuses on off-the-wall humor and pop culture references while committing acts of ultra-violence. However, as Joe Kelly's signature run on the original Deadpool title shows, the character can easily provide both the "wacky" humor readers desire while still involving the character in an intelligent, emotional story.

That seems to be where the latest Deadpool run is going now - Deadpool remains the same character he's always been while becoming increasingly involved in the Marvel Universe's serious stories. As Dark Reign progresses, he continues to involve himself in Normon Osbourn's life, providing a surprisingly formidable foe to the head honcho of evil in the Mavel U. Due to his involvement in with anti-Skrull efforts during Secret Invasion, Deadpool now has a personal grudge against Osbourn and has organically fit himself into the battle against Iron Patriot and H.A.M.M.E.R. without sacrificing the wise cracking character that brought the fans to Deadpool comics in the first place.

Will this high profile hold up over the next few years in time for the upcoming Ryan Reynold's helmed film? It seems likely - Deadpool has built himself quite a bit of cache and with some careful handling of the property, it seems likely we'll be seeing even more of Wade Wilson over the next decade.

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